5 ways to organize your prayer time

notecards3In any moms life, prayer is just essential!  It must be a priority and something that we make time to do.  As we all know, it sometimes just doesn’t happen.  Mornings are busy, life sometimes gets out of control and it’s the first thing that disappears.

But we all know that just as if we don’t plug our cell phones in to the power source to get charged, it eventually dies!  We are the same way if we don’t plug ourselves into prayer & God’s Word daily!  It’s crucial as a wife and mom to spend time alone with God and pour our hearts out for our children, grandchildren, husbands, friends, family, missionaries, & other loved ones that are having health issues and don’t forget yourself!

Have you ever had someone ask you to pray for them or you told someone you were going to pray for them and then forgot?

How do we juggle it all?  How do we keep track of what our family prayer needs are?  Others prayer requests?

At times it’s a lot to remember and sometimes a bit overwhelming.  We need to organize our prayer time!



Here are 5 simple ways to organize our prayer time each day:

  1. Set aside time.  We all know if we don’t plan it, most of the time it just doesn’t happen.  Try and be realistic with our family schedule but it works best to do it in the morning while it’s quiet.  Set aside a certain time each morning to meet with God and share with Him your thoughts and concerns for the day.  It really does help our day go a bit smoother when we get into a routine of  making it first in our day.  A side note….you gotta make it a priority to get up BEFORE everyone else!
  2. Set aside an area.  Find a special place in your house or room or maybe outside that you feel the most comfortable and make that your spot.  Set out some things near a table or book shelf that you can use as tools in your prayer time.  Maybe your special coffee cup, notebook, pen, your Bible, a devotional, etc.
  3. Color Code your days.  Using colored index cards can do wonders for your prayer time!  Use a certain color for each day of the week and divide your prayer time into categories. (example: Monday-Blue; Tuesday-Pink, etc)  Maybe divide them up with your children’s names on it with your prayers for each of them.  You can also divide them into categories like:  Family, Friends, Needs, Praise, etc.
  4. Keep a journal.  Find a pretty journal or even a regular notebook and mark your thoughts and prayers out to God.  This is a wonderful tool to help clear your mind for the day and give over to Him all your worries, struggles, and concerns that face you for that day or week.  You can also keep a praise journal and record the prayers that are answered.   It’s wonderful to go back and read the progress of your time alone.
  5.  Be flexible.  There are going to be times that it just doesn’t happen.  You overslept, someone is sick, appointments pile up, etc.  Incorporating a system that work for you is whats key.  Remember that prayer can happen anywhere and at anytime, but we are talking about a time to get your heart and mind aligned with God.  If mornings just don’t work, then maybe night time is better, then stick with that.  Maybe it’s when the kids are down for nap.  The main thing is making it a daily habit and something you desire and look forward to!

Organizing time alone each day is something that can be done.   Though we are busy juggling many things in our day doing these steps will help us be more focused, more prepared, and more on target to hearing God’s voice for the day.

“Don’t pray when you feel like it. Have an appointment with the Lord and keep it. A man is powerful on his knees.” Corrie ten Boom

Psalm 5:3 My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up.

Psalm 55:17 Evening, and morning, and at noon, will I pray, and cry aloud: and he shall hear my voice

How’s your prayer time?  Is there things you do to keep your quiet time with God on track?  

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19 Responses to 5 ways to organize your prayer time

  1. Kelsi says:

    I just wanted to say thank you for this post. I realize how important prayer is for keeping my head on during the day, but I often feel like I don’t have time to just sit down and devote myself to prayer. I like your ideas and am taking notes so that I can try it!


  2. Kelsi says:

    I realize how important prayer is for keeping my head on during the day, but I often feel like I don’t have time to just sit down and devote myself to prayer. I like your ideas and am taking notes so that I can try it! Thank you for this post! It has been an encouragement to me.


  3. Jenn says:

    Great advice, Jennifer! I think it is so important to be intentional about praying specifically for things or it may never happen (I forget to pray for certain people/situations a lot because I don’t write them down). Shared it on my FB page and pinned it for later reference as well.


  4. Holly says:

    Such a good post! We do need to be in prayer for so many things and our family should be at the top of that list! I wrote this post about my unique prayer journal. Maybe it will be a help to you too. http://www.epicsurrender.org/1/post/2013/07/a-unique-prayer-journal.html


  5. Thanks so much for these tips for prayer. This was really good advice. I have a book but often I can’t find it or forget where I put it. I like the idea of praying for certain things on certain days as I usually try to pray for everything in a day.


  6. Wonderful tips here in an area many of us struggle with. I have seasons where systems work in my prayer life and then I have times when I drift along not really connecting with God very well at all. I’m in one of those seasons now and know I need to get myself back together. Thanks for the reminder of this.
    Thanks for linking up at Essential Fridays.
    Mel from Essential Thing Devotions


  7. I LOVE the color coding tip! I will try that, because there really are so many areas of life that need regular prayer. I need to get more intentional about lifting them all up to the Lord, and I think that would really help. Thank you!


  8. Nicole says:

    Stopping by from Time-Warp, I love this! I pray all day long, but never take the time to LISTEN to what God has to say to me (usually the babies are too loud). I really need to make the effort to make time to spend with God!


  9. Kathery F. says:

    As a mom, I never feel to old to learn new things, or glean insights from someone else. Thank you for sharing the encouragement on prayer. There definitely is power in prayer, unfortunately sometimes it does go by the wayside. God bless.


  10. Heather says:

    Love these ideas. The color coded idea may work for me. I am a visual person, so colors are always nice.
    Right now I keep a journal that I write down my prayers, the answers, requests, etc. It stays in my purse so when I am stuck in a long line or in a waiting room, I pull it out and pray. I also have my weekly scripture memory verse in there to read a few times as well.


  11. Jenifer says:

    Great advice! Love this!

    Thanks for linking up with Woman to Woman’s Word Filled Wednesday!


  12. Helene says:

    I’ve been using ECHO to help me keep up. I’m still not praying as much as I need to but I like the details on the app. http://www.maidservantsofchrist.com/detail.asp?DetailID=422&Return=search.asp?Search=echo


  13. Heather Hart says:

    I had never thought of color coding – what a neat idea!


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