Is there really quiet time?


“Quiet time you say?”   “I’m NOT quite sure what quiet time is anymore!”  On any given day there is nothing close to quiet in this house….   With seven kids (now 8) running, talking, playing, fighting (yes, they do that too), eating, crying, yelling, laughing, banging, along with all the other noise from radios, to dogs, to phone ringing, etc.  There is NOT much time for quiet!  (I think we all get the visual picture of that)

 Anyone who has raised kids knows it’s extremely hard finding time in the day to sit quietly before God to pray and read His Word.  As I look back over the years from when I just had one baby which had its own set of obstacles…. to now having seven (or 8)  children, I’ve realized that as women we go through many seasons of life.

Every season gives us our own set of obstacles when it comes to finding “quiet time”.

 As moms we have to learn to be creative.  Finding “time” sometimes seems almost impossible.  When we have kids hanging on us, crying because they got hurt, two kids are squabbling, maybe you home school, then you add in there the cooking, the cleaning, a doctor’s appointment, and a phone call or two and your 24 hours just went out the door!

We all know that it’s crucial for us to renew our minds and be still before the Lord.  The Bible says we need to renew our minds:

 Romans 12:2 – And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.

 2 Corinthians 4:16 – For which cause we faint not; but though our outward man perish, yet the inward man is renewed day by day.

 Philippians 2:5 – Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:

Colossians 3:16 – Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.

As you can see….our minds need to renewed each and everyday….we do this by getting into His Word, reading it, studying it, meditating on it and don’t forget prayer!



You may ask…..Does this always happen for you?   I’m going to be absolutely honest…..NO! 

Now let me clarify…. for the most part I do find quiet time but it requires me making  it a priority and sometimes being creative. There ARE days when things happen and it falls to the way side.  (and boy do I notice a difference in my day!) That is why we need to creative with finding and carving out quiet time with God. Here are few ways to help find time with getting alone with God in quiet: 

  • Get up an hour before everyone else
  • If your kids are small, take advantage of nap time
  • While nursing your baby sit and read or pray
  • In the shower for me is a great time to mediate on scripture or pray
  • Late at night when everyone is a sleep
  • In the middle of the night when your up (for any reason)
  • After dinner while the kids are outside playing
  • Set a time and let the kids know this is “Mommy’s quiet time

 Either way….it’s got to be a priority for us so that we can be the moms and woman we need to be.  When things are a priority, we usually find a way to make it happen.  

So depending on what season of life your in right now and the obstacles in your day, carve out that time where it’s just you and the Lord….even if it’s for a few moments before your needed somewhere else.  

 Do you have a special or unique way you find time with God?



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5 Responses to Is there really quiet time?

  1. I have been through many seasons and you are right, they do all come with obstacles of their own. For me I went from a season of abundant quiet time as an empty nester, to my daughter, son-in-law and precious baby granddaughter living with us to being very busy and finding it very hard to make quiet time for myself.

    The best advice a friend gave me was to not let your feet hit the floor until you spend time in the Word and in Prayer which usually meant getting up earlier. I confess I have fallen out of getting up earlier because of a very busy schedule where I don’t “sit down” most days until almost 10:30 pm at night at which time my brain is fried!

    You are absolutely right though, I feel it when I haven’t been in the Word or in prayer.

    Thank you for spurring me on! 🙂


    • blessedx8 says:

      Thanks so much Karen! So glad you stopped by to read and comment! Your words are encouraging! Blessing to you! Glad we can encourage each other!


  2. Heather Hart says:

    My quiet time fluctuates based on the time of year. During the summer it’s after my hubby leaves for work, before my kids wake up. During the school year it’s after my kids are all at school. When we home schooled it was at night while I was putting the littles to bed. I would have quiet time while waiting for them to fall asleep. It really is about finding what works for your schedule and season of life. At one point I had to multi-task it, so I would meditate on Scripture while washing dishes, and have my deep conversations with God while doing the laundry.

    Love this post! God cares about our heart for Him, not where we plant our seat while spending time with Him.


  3. Pingback: Strong willed children & how to handle them | A Heart for the Home

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